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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Awesome Idea: Magnetic Tea

Think about it. What if your brewing tea leaves were magnetic? That would be the PERFECT solution to the age-old problem of filtering/straining. No more would stray bits of tea leaves sneak into your cup and subsequently find their way directly between your teeth. You could steep your loose tea in the pot/glass/kettle/whatever, then simply apply a magnet to the bottom or side to keep the tea leaves from entering your drink.

Then, one could invest electromagnetic teapots, where you could flip a switch and magnetize the the teapot, removing tea leaves from the water with a flip of the switch.


Yes, it is. Shut it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Have you ever felt on the cusp of a huge, life-changing realization or decision, but you can't quite throw yourself over the edge? I feel that way right now, though it's not exactly that, either. Feelings are so complex and dumb. Here's the deal, and as a disclaimer, this is a post about my faith, so if you're tired of reading about that, stop now.

I can sum it all up like this: What the crap am I doing?! I'm tired of being lukewarm. Lukewarm in my bible reading, lukewarm in my relationships, lukewarm in my marriage, lukewarm in my faith, lukewarm in my church. It's annoying, and more importantly, it's WRONG.

Revelation 3:15-16 states, "15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."


Christ gives us two commandments to live by: love God and love others. Not just love others like, "I'll love you the best I can," but He said, "As I have loved you, love one another." That's a whole other ball game. Love like Jesus loved? But I'm so selfish!

And there it is. My problem. I am self-centered and selfish, and I hate that about myself, but I also like it. In order to lay down my life and pick up my cross to follow Jesus, I have to lay ME down, and I don't want to. I need to, and my biggest desire is to live my life on the path God lays before me, with no regard for my own wants and desires, because I know true happiness comes by living for God and God alone. But I don't want to give up my wants and desires. I strain so many relationships with my selfishness, and I know this.

So my question is, how do I get over myself? I don't want to do this anymore. Let me be hot or cold, but never again room-temperature.

There are a few other convictions about my faith and the church pounding at me lately, too, but I'll save those for another rant.

Now I will post without reading what I've written. I'm keepin' it real.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

There's a blog I want to write

... BUT I CAN'T! I'm not allowed. When I can, I will. But for now, I must stew in my misery and you will have to wait to read it (or not read it).