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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I haven't blogged in since last time I did.

It's been a long time since I've written something (shocker). I still don't think I have much to write about, but here's what's been going on with me lately.

I work. A lot. Which is a good thing. I like having employment. I like paychecks.

I'm taking a week off next week to go to the beach with some good friends. Four adults, seven children. Free housing. It is going to be a blast.

I need to recenter/refocus on my music ministry. I feel like the church has taken a back seat to my "real life," which is not a good thing, because my church life is really the most important thing to me after my family. It is also not a good thing when you're trying to get a brand new church off the ground. I am trying not to spread myself too thin between work/family/church, etc. But I feel like I could be putting in a little more time on the church front. I'm terribly afraid of burnout, which may be one reason I'm keeping my distance. I don't know. I am looking forward to the beach as a time to brain-dump and have some good fellowship, fun, sun, relaxation (as much as one can get with seven kids running around) and some reflection.

I know my posts are usually more entertaining than this. I realize this one was quite boring, but at least I got something out and on the Interwebz. Take it or leave it, I'm gonna try to get back into posting more (same ol' story, I know). It makes me happy.

What have you been up to?

p.s. that may have been the horriblest ending to a blog. EVAR.