I love Fridays. They mean I don't have to go to work the next day. I don't really have a lot of concrete plans for the weekend, more like a gazillion home projects, some half-started, to get to. I know I need to put new brakes on my car. That'll probably be at the top of my list because I don't want to die. I need to also work on my backyard. It is a forest of overgrowth and neglect, and I would like to reclaim it. There's a bunch of junk back there I need to get rid of, tree stumps to cut down, grass to cut, brush to clear, etc. I also need to fix a wall in the hallway where my freaking dog ate a hole through it to escape the confines of her own room when we were not there. Yes, my dog ate a hole through a flipping wall.
Does anyone want a dog?
I also have a lot of books/computer junk/memorabilia to go through. It's sitting in front of my fireplace downstairs and must be dealt with soon as the weather is getting colder and it is blocking the heat source downstairs.
So many things to do! Such a lazy me! At least the weather is supoosed to be AWESOME this weekend, so I will probably opt for the outside projects, to get them done, and as an added benefit, maybe kick-start me on the road to making myself un-fat.
That's what my weekend is looking like. Super fun, right? How is your weekend shaping up? Big plans? Do tell.
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