I have to wear my glasses today because my left eye hurts. I think it's due either to allergies or a contact lens went rogue and started going crazy with kung-fu or landmines inside my head. Either way. It hurts, so I have to wear my glasses today. This is a horrible thing for one main reason. Sunglasses. The reason I wear contacts today is solely because I wear sunglasses. I don't know if it's because I wear sunglasses so much, but I have very light-sensitive eyes. Even yesterday, during a thunderstorm, I had my sunglasses on driving home because it was too bright to not have them on. So, when I have to wear my normal glasses, I run into a conundrum. There are three options for my day, all of which I don't like and make me want to punch a wall or hyperventilate.
Option 1: Drive to work with no sunglasses and arrive to work in a sunlight-panic and a splitting headache. This is not an option.
Option 2: Wear my sunglasses anyway, just be blind while driving and hope I know my way to work and no small children run out in front of me.
Option 3: Wear my sunglasses OVER my regular glasses, achieving the same basic result, but look like a tool (or more of one, some might say).

As you can see, my life is full of difficult, tough, life altering decisions, and I know you feel bad for me.
OH! The other part of my blog title: Blog Topics. I am determined to write some blogs, and I'm shooting for a few a week. I don't really have a list of topics built up, so I just sit down at my computer and write about the first thing that pops in my head if I don't have ideas already. That is why you got a post today about me wearing glasses. I wanted to see if I could turn it into a whole blog (I did) and make it slightly amusing (probably not).
Um, that's all. I have to go to work now.
UPDATE: I ended up putting in my contacts before work, despite the eye-pain. Man, I bet you wish your life was as exciting as mine.
1 comment:
Riveting. Plus, you should add a link to my blog on your bog, bub.
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