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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Note to people

It seems like I am making a return to blogging. Let's see how long it goes. As a warning to my five or so readers, some of my posts will be (hopefully) witty, amusing, and maybe even kind of funny, but I also like to write a lot about my faith. Those ones are usually not so witty or funny. I know a lot of people like their blogs to be always funny or always serious, and a some people don't give two craps (though one should suffice, I think) about my belief in Jesus.

But nevertheless, I encourage you to read it anyway. On one hand because it makes me feel good when I see people visiting my site, and on the other, I just might have something interesting to say on occasion. Maybe. But you won't know if you don't keep checking back.

See, there's already the best of both worlds available this month. If you want to know why I hate all birds, pterodactyls and planes, then read that one. If you want to read about something that's been challenging me personally and maybe might could will challenge you too, then I gots some of that too.

See? I'm diversified. I'm also going to bed now.


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